Children have seemingly unlimited energy for anything. They move around a lot, causing them to be injured from time to time. When your kid gets into any competitive sport, the chances of these injuries skyrocket. It’s crucial to protect your child’s teeth with a custom mouthguard to ensure their safety during these active pursuits.
While it’s right for parents to encourage their children towards an active lifestyle, there will always be the worry and risk of potential injury. That’s why it’s important to invest in protective equipment such as a helmet, gloves, and arm guards. But parents often forget that the teeth need to be protected as well, and they fail to realize the importance of mouthguards.
Also known as sports guards, mouthguards are usually made from plastic that acts as a protective layer against trauma around the face area. Children can wear them at any age, especially when they get into sports.
Mouthguards can be purchased at a pharmacy or a sports store, but they hardly offer the much-needed defense against injuries. It is still best to give your children custom mouthguards as these are worth the investment.
Aside from offering comfort and better protection, there are three other main benefits of giving your child a custom mouthguard.
Custom Mouthguards Prevent Major Mouth Injuries
Dental injuries top as the most prevalent kind of mouth and face injury sustained from any sport. Mouthguards not only protect the teeth, but also the lips, tongue, gums, and cheeks from cuts and bruises. They also help avoid jaw bone fractures, neck injuries, and concussions by acting as a cushion for the pressure from contact, lowering the risk of traumatic brain injury.
Custom Mouthguards Protect The Teeth Against Teeth Grinding
Bruxism, also called teeth grinding or clenching, is a common occurrence among children. It is not easy to know if your children have bruxism unless you hear the grinding sound at night or if your children complain about a sore jaw or face in the morning. Bruxism, caused by earaches and stress, results in poorly aligned teeth when not dealt with at a young age. Even if most children outgrow bruxism, it is imperative to deal with it right away when it begins to give them some discomfort or the grinding damages their teeth.
Remember, mouthguards have a long-term benefit even if your children still do not have their adult teeth. By wearing a mouthguard, especially when sleeping, children who do not yet have their adult teeth can already take care of the alignment of their teeth, as the mouthguard helps to put them in the right position.
Custom Mouthguards Ease the Use of Braces
Braces can prevent tooth loss or displacement from sports injuries, but the protection they offer only covers the teeth. Mouthguards worn over braces give an additional line of defense as the protection extends to the tongue, cheeks, and lips from getting lacerations caused by being hit. Mouthguards can also keep those brackets in place, providing a barrier between the lips and the braces.
It is an inconvenience to take your kid to the dentist every time they lose a dental bracket from playing sports, and you might be concerned whether or not mouthguards need to be changed as the alignment of your child’s teeth improves. Mouthguards for kids with braces will be custom-made according to their fit, and these mouthguards are manufactured from medical-grade silicone that is adaptable to the monthly teeth tightening of your kid.
Protect Your Child’s Teeth with a Custom Mouthguard
While the price tags of ready-made mouthguards available at pharmacies and sporting goods stores can be tempting, these types of mouthguards usually do not fit well, offering only a flimsy defense against injuries. But you do not have to always look for a cheap solution because you (or your child) can only get your money’s worth.
Custom mouthguards perfectly fit into your kid’s mouth, ensuring them much better protection. By giving them custom mouthguards, you are investing in protecting your kid’s teeth while they are young.
Rest assured that your kids will be in good hands here at Madison Dentistry. As a family-run organization, we make sure that everyone in your family receives the best oral care, no matter their age. Schedule a free consultation and take your kids to our clinic to know whether custom mouthguards are perfect for them.