4 Benefits of Getting All 4 Wisdom Teeth Removed at the Same Time

4 Benefits of Getting All Wisdom Teeth Removed at the Same Time
07 Oct 2022

If you have multiple wisdom teeth, you may begin to contemplate whether to remove all of them at once or just the one that is causing pain. However, most dental professionals would recommend taking them out in just one go.

But as a patient, you have a say about the dental procedure that is going to be performed on you. In the case of the wisdom teeth removal, you will need to decide whether to have one or multiple third molar extractions.

Why Remove All 4 Wisdom Teeth at Once?

As an oral surgeon, I would urge you to have all your wisdom teeth removed all at the same time. I am one of those who can attest that this setup is a lot wiser in the long run and offers the following benefits:

    1. It’s Convenient

      Modern life has made it difficult to book a schedule for important things like dental procedures. So in terms of time, you will reap more benefits from removing all your wisdom teeth in one go than removing them one by one.

Your operation will address the problems you currently have. It will also prevent future issues should your asymptomatic wisdom teeth start acting up.

    1. Same Level of Comfort

      The first two benefits are connected in some ways. The level of inconvenience and discomfort will virtually be the same whether you have one or multiple wisdom teeth extractions.

      Having your four wisdom teeth extracted at the same time does not quadruple your recovery time. All your surgery sites will recover simultaneously, provided that you give them proper aftercare.

    2. Budget-Friendly

      It is more economical to have all of your wisdom teeth removed in one extraction procedure than to have a separate surgery for each third molar. Consider that you will be paying for more dental appointments, more surgery expenses, and multiple doses of anesthesia if you price everything out individually.

      Also, many dental clinics offer discounts for multiple extractions which make your surgery a lot cheaper.

    3. Keeps Oral Problems at Bay

      A seemingly healthy third molar may cause problems down the line. In fact, wisdom teeth are known for causing a number of dental issues despite a lack of symptoms.

      We all know that third molars grow at the very end of your dental arch. You cannot easily reach this location, making it very difficult to clean. It exposes you to bacteria buildup, cavities, and gum disease.

      It is also hard to tell if you have enough room for your wisdom teeth. If not fully erupted, wisdom teeth can damage the neighboring teeth and their roots. This is another factor that will cause you pain and infection.

Plan Your Dental Health With Our Top Oral Surgeons

There is no need to worry about having all your wisdom teeth removed, especially if you have found a dental surgeon you can completely trust. Madison Dentistry LLC has a team of board-certified dentists who are experts in a variety of fields, including oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Sedation Dentistry is readily available to address your dental phobia and anxiety. We also offer PRF and PRP Therapies, Bone Grafting, and Dental Implant.

We believe that each patient has to be treated with gentle care according to their individual needs. We will work with you to come up with an effective treatment plan that will give help you achieve optimal recovery.

Schedule a consultation with Madison Dentistry for any questions you may have about wisdom teeth removal.

About Author

Dr. Jenny Lau

Dr. Jenny Lau

Dr. Jenny Lau of Madison Dentistry LLC in Madison, NJ, is a highly skilled and compassionate dentist specializing in dental implants, Invisalign treatment, and other advanced procedures. Driven by a passion for creating healthy and confident smiles, she provides personalized care, ensuring her patients' oral health and satisfaction.

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